How to Thicken Latex Paint – 2 Easy Methods

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Latex paint is popular for painting because it is versatile and easy to clean. As well, working with latex paint is easier than working with oil-based paint.

Knowing how to thicken latex paint means you won’t have to settle with using paint that is thinner than you want.
how to thicken latex paint

Latex paints are found as matte finish and glossy finish. So, you will have an option to choose based on your preference.

However, fresh paint can be thin. Thicker paint works better for old walls or damaged walls.

You can also use latex paint that has a high adhesion or high pigment cover.

Other than getting the right formula for your needs, fortunately, there are a few ways you can thicken latex paint. Read on to find out how you can thicken latex paint.

How to Thicken Latex Paint – Follow 6 Steps

Step 1: Collect the necessary tools

At first, you will need a few tools to thicken latex paint successfully and work with it.

The most common way of thickening latex paint is to use a latex thickening agent. These thickening agents are water-soluble.

It means the agent will easily get dissolved in water. These thickening agents are usually made with hydroxyethyl cellulose.

Find a spot to work and cover the area with drop sheets so that you don’t damage your floors or walls with the paint.

You will also need a bucket or a bowl to mix the paint with the thickening agent and a paint stick to stir.

Step 2: Follow the instructions on the thickening agent

As you will be dealing with a chemical component, it is better to read the instructions first.

The instruction may tell you to take any extra measures. You will also find instructions about how to use the thickening agent.

Step 3: Use a bucket and pour the latex paint

Take a large bucket so that you can easily work and mix the paint. Fill the bucket with latex paint and leave a part of the bucket so that it can hold the thickening agent.

You will also need enough room to stir the mixture.

Step 4: Add the agent to the latex paint

The amount of thickening agent will depend on the amount of paint you will need. You can pour the thickening agent on the bucket.

Alternatively, you can also use a measuring cup if you don’t want to risk pouring more than you need.

Do not use more than 25% of a thickening agent in the latex paint.

Step 5: Stir the mixture

Use a paint stick and stir the mixture.

Work with small amounts, pouring and stirring until you achieve the desired thickness.

Step 6: Finally, test the latex paint by applying the painting

If you want to see if the painting has gotten the desired thickness or not, you can choose a small area and apply the mixture.

Wait for some time so that the paint dries. If you see that the paint has a great consistency and it has no crack, you are good to go.

Thickening latex paint is an easy task when you have a thickening agent.

6 steps to thicken latex paint

How to Thicken Latex Paint – Quick Method

Latex paint is made of water that adjusts the consistency of the paint.

Stir the paint to let the water evaporate. Check every hour to stir and observe the consistency.

If you have the time, simply place the cover on the paint can without locking it in.

Then check the consistency of the paint every 3-6 hours. You may have to leave it overnight or over the course of several days. Since paints have different formulas, there is a difference in how fast the water evaporates.

Types of Latex Paint that will Cover Old or Damaged Walls

For old and damaged walls, you may want more cover that is the benefit of thicker latex paint. You can also use latex paint that has a high adhesion or high pigment cover.

How to Thicken Acrylic Paint?

You can thicken acrylic paint by adding a little acrylic medium.

Add a little amount of acrylic medium and continuously stir as you go.

That is how you will be able to thicken acrylic paint. Stop adding the medium once you feel that you have achieved the desired thickness.

How to Thicken Oil Paint?

You can thicken oil painting by adding a thickening medium. It is the easiest and common method among painters to thicken oil paint.

The con of this process is that the paint loses its shine to some extent.

If you don’t have any issue with this, you will get a thick paint consistency.

You can also add beeswax to your painting to make it thicker. The more beeswax you will add, the more thick and transparent the paint will be.

How to Thicken Paint with Flour or Cornstarch?

You can thicken watercolor paint with flour or cornstarch.

First, you will need to mix the cornstarch with water.

Take one cup of cold water and add 1 tablespoon of cornstarch or flour in it. Stir the mixture and put it on a pan.

Then, heat it slowly on the stove. To get a smooth consistency, you will need to stir the mixture continuously.

After a while, you will get a paste-like texture. Don’t heat it for too long, which might make the mixture dry.

Now add the mixture to the paint as per your required thickness. Be patient and see if you are getting the right consistency.

You can use the above methods to thicken latex paint and other types of paints.

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